venerdì 17 marzo 2017

Cesco's new single is out.

Hello dear listeners and readers,
 last sunday (12.03.2017) Cesco's new single Astronauta was released in all the digital stores and day before yesterday the official video was released also.  Useless to say that we bought it right away, and we loved it from the first second till the last one.

In this song is really possible to recognize a development in the lyrics and also in the melody. In the song is possible to hear also the great Silvia Capasso, who unfotunately is not longer with us in this world.
For the non-italian speakers,  the song  tells about the aleatory trip of a man wandering in the ruins of his unconscious, sure to be an astronaut looking for his lost love, who knows in which corner of the universe.
I have really liked the lyrics. I have found at least a couple of verses that could really apply to myself.  There is one verse that says " sono sbarcato su un pianeta ma è quello sbagliato sono solo in questo posto che appare abbandonato" which traslated means "I arrived on this planet, but it's the wrong one, I'm alone in this place that appears to be forsaken, which I can really relate to.
I recomend this song to all of you !

Here's the official video :

Here's the link to I-tunes & Spotify :
Have a great day !!!

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